Ways to Boost Mobile App Traffic & Revenue

Finally, you've created your own Mobile App. You adore your app's design and icon, and it runs smoothly on every device you've tested. So, the niche you have discovered is unexplored and competition-free.

But, there's only one problem, and it's a really big problem that nobody is installing your mobile app.

If so, then you are facing the same problem that many businesses face after publishing their mobile apps. But don't be discouraged — if you have an app you wish to use all over the world, then yes, you can make it happen.

Once you get the downloads, you'll be able to boost mobile app traffic & revenue in a pinch. All it takes is a little effort and the essential know-how to get your app to the attention of the masses.

Hence, before we look at the best strategies to boost mobile app traffic & revenue, let's first understand how apps are downloaded.

The App Store Optimization

You've probably heard of SEO, which means "Search Engine Optimization." Have you heard of App Store Optimization (ASO)? In terms of the success of your app, the two are very similar, although ASO has a greater impact on its listing than SEO for Google search results. The better the ranking of your app, the more users will find it when they search.

More, once the target audience finds your app, ASO also helps determine if they actually download it. Moreover, there are a few factors that affect your ASO:

  • Positive reviews: The more positive reviews your app gets the higher its rating. When consumers give a higher rating to an app, it gets a higher rating in return, resulting in additional downloads.
  • App downloads: In fact, the more downloads you have, the more downloads you will receive in return. You should aim for a steady amount of downloads to rank high.
  • Keyword relevance: Apps featuring popular keywords in the title and description are more likely to be downloaded.
  • Revenue: The app store will promote apps that have a proven track record of generating income.
  • Country: Your local rating may be influenced by your regional success. By boosting your position in many areas, you can create a snowball effect.
  • Backlinks: You can increase your app's rating by including hyperlinks to a variety of related pages.
  • Social proof: The popularity of your app on social media sites can have an impact on its App Store rating, especially on Android. Users' reactions to your app can be determined by how many shares and +1s they've received on Google+.
  • App launch: This can have a significant impact on the number of times users launch your app.
  • Retention: The number of customers who remove your app after 30 days versus the number of people who keep it has an impact on rankings. In the app description, firmly cater to your target demographic to ensure retention.

With this in mind, how the general public views your app and how App Store algorithms treat it can vary greatly. Now that you have a better understanding of where your app lives after it's published, let's take a closer look at ways to increase mobile app traffic & revenue.

Advanced Strategic Planning

Before you start building an app, you must first create a mobile app marketing strategy. This is important because you have to influence the phenomenon of your existence, including your web presence and social media profiles, in order for people to find your app. If you don't have those resources, you have to create and use them.

Pre-launch Crusade

Your campaign should start long before the actual release of the mobile app and continue long after that. The only thing that matters is the constant and nonstop marketing sweat because the mobile operator you designed and published will have to compete with more apps as time goes on.

Undoubtedly, your app and marketing sweat should be separate from the pack and be the first choice for our target audience!

Make a Teaser Website

The teaser website should be completed a month or two before the launch of the mobile app to collect dispatch addresses and contact information from users who want to know when the app will be released. This could be part of a pre-launch campaign, which is a great idea. The most important advantage of teaser websites is that they can attract people's interest and make them want to know what's next. It creates an information gap by withholding information.

Use of Social Media

Use your social media profiles on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to advertise the app and reach your target audience. Now you need to come up with a social media marketing strategy, monitoring, optimization, analysis, etc. based on your thorough request study and analysis.

Build App Review Websites

Moreover, there are a variety of websites in the market that can help you create a lot of buzz for your app by mentioning it on your site through App Store Optimization.

PPC Marketing

When we use search engines to find products and services, the results, including ads, are almost always relevant to what we're looking for. Hence, it is a proven technique to ensure that pay-per-click (PPC) marketing ads are tailored to users' requirements.

A detailed analysis is needed to understand the request and establish an effective PPC marketing approach. While ensuring that the PPC budget is achieved, it helps in achieving the most potential profit. Yes, experts will try to cover frequently underperforming keywords, areas, and work on improving results using a business-driven plan for optimum customer satisfaction.

A Profitable Business Model

Incentivized business is a terrific strategy to enhance your app's request volume. According to the search engine optimization technique, larger download numbers will improve the app's ranking in search results, attracting more users, which in turn will improve the ranking position even further.

Use Split-Testing Tools

Use A/B testing tools to test your wireframes, taglines, icons, and images. This step will help you figure out what is working for you and what is not. Check out the many platforms and companies providing such services before making a decision.

Strategic Content Marketing

You can get tons of downloads by using content marketing such as a blog post, eBook, white paper, or case study that directs your intended follower to your point of view, with a clear call to action that conveys how your software can benefit them. It's wise to use as many sharing options as possible.

Showcasing engaging videos of real people using your app or in real-life scenarios allows you to more naturally engage with your target audience and increase the virality of your recorded content. Videotapes not only have the ability to tell but also have the ability to display.

Send Effective Push Notifications

Another option is to connect with your existing users directly on their mobile devices. Whether it's in-app messaging or push notifications, mobile-specific channels let you reach out to your users with a personalized message at the right time.

Consider prompting them with instructions in the context of a newly released feature or in a difficult-to-navigate section of the program. You can use in-app messaging and push notifications to help current users advertise it by sharing your app on social media, suggesting a friend, or providing feedback in the App Store. These are excellent strategies to engage users and promote your mobile app, while ensuring that it gets the boost it needs to go viral.

Final Thoughts

Now, it's high time for you to down-line everything. Also, while striving to boost your mobile app traffic & revenue, you should keep in mind that it's all about making your customer's life easier.

Reliability, trust, credibility, and security are what you need to provide. Mobile devices get better and better thus increasing the usage of such devices and they are preferred because of their convenience as compared to laptops and desktops.

As a result, it is important to improve your mobile applications or websites in order to increase sales and, consequently, increase your revenue. Of course, profit is affected by various circumstances. On a big scale, the future revenue of your mobile application will be determined by the cutting-edge technology you adopt and employ:

  • The IoT technology allows you to collect more information about your users, which developers can use to optimize and improve various aspects of our lives.
  • 5G technology enables the Internet of Things to establish a connection and collect data more quickly and securely.
  • Both VR/AR technologies are meant to upgrade existing applications and encourage new and more innovative ones as they emerge.

All of these methods mentioned will continue to grow, as will their adoption rates. The app market is becoming increasingly saturated, and revenue is not forecast to expand significantly in the near future. Yes, products and services seem to improve as new technologies emerge. Keep up with the latest trends and keep your mobile app updated with Cypherox Technologiesto boost mobile app traffic & revenue.