7 Simple Things To Remember About Web Application Architecture

Almost all of us have been enjoying the internet for decades now. We browse any website on the internet and get a quick response right away. But, not many think about how that happens unless you are a developer.

In general, your request goes to the server. The server then processes the request and performs all the logic at the backend. It then sends the response back to the web browser, which you see in front of your screen.

Though it sounds simple, web applications have a complex architecture comprising various components and layers. Your request passes through several layers and components before you get the response back from the server. That is where the web application architecture comes into place.

Web applications are more than interface and design; architecture is the heart of any web application. Yes, web application architecture is fundamental to any web application, and understanding the architecture is crucial for any web developer to build scalable and responsive web applications.

Read on to know about web application architecture and 7 simple things to remember about web application architecture. Thus, you can build responsive and future-ready web applications.

What is Web Application Architecture?

A web application is nothing but a program that runs on a browser. Many think web applications and websites are the same. But, technically, they are different. A traditional website is a combination of static pages. The website becomes a web application only when it comprises both static and dynamic pages. And, of course, all modern websites are web applications.

Now, what is web application architecture? It is a framework that connects several elements to enhance the web experience of the users. Of course, it is the basis for any internet browsing. In simple words, you can view and interact with the website by typing in a URL when the browser creates a communication with the server.

A web application architecture includes all the components and external application interchanges for the complete software application. Hence, web application architecture determines the reliability, scalability, security, and responsiveness of the website. So, choosing the right web application architecture is mandatory for building scalable web applications.

7 Simple Things To Remember About Web Application Architecture:

So, building quality web applications start with the perfect web application architecture. Here are 7 simple things to keep in mind for creating high-quality web applications.

1. Put Your End-Users First:

Web applications keep evolving. New trends emerge while the tools and methodologies keep changing as well. But, one thing that remains constant over all the years is the user experience.

Most times, developers have to keep up with the latest technology. Or else they have a tight deadline to complete the project. Hence, often, developers tend to focus on technology or time constraints during web application development.

But, what should be the actual focus? It’s the end-users who will interact with the web application. So, before starting with your web application development project, ask yourself the question- Who wants the web application? That is, who are your customers/end users? Focusing on their needs will help you build a successful web application.

Now, the next focus should be on rendering a great user experience. So, ask yourself the second question- How will the users use the application, and what problems are they trying to solve?

Putting yourself in customers’ shoes will let you build a successful web application with the most intuitive UX based on their needs and behavior.

2. Ensure Building Secure Applications:

Many web applications today are prone to severe vulnerabilities. More so ever, most web applications suffer from vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injection, and more.

If you closely observe, most business web applications suffer from the most common yet preventable security vulnerabilities. Yes, it’s not just about new threats. But, these are vulnerabilities that got listed as a top security threat for nearly a decade.

What’s the reason? Why do such preventable vulnerabilities keep coming? It is because developers think of security as yet another feature. Thus, they postpone it till the end. Often, developers guess they can do it at the end after completing all the features and functionalities of the web application. But, that is not how modern web applications work. Yes, security is crucial, and you have to incorporate it into your web applications from the start.

So, the design and architecture of the web application must include all the security aspects as per the set requirements and standards. Thus, you can prevent data breaches, exploits, data losses, downtime and avoid costs to recover from such vulnerability issues.

3. Leverage Web Development Tools:

Developers can access various development tools these days. Yes, a wide range of libraries, frameworks, and templates are on the internet. They can use tools like GitHub, IDE’s, and other low-code development platforms. And, these development tools are becoming mandatory for today’s modern developers. Do you know why?

Web application development is getting more complex. Yes, earlier, application development had a specific focus. Programmers just needed a single language for their web development. But, it’s not like that anymore.

Modern web developers have to juggle various programming languages, web vulnerabilities, API integration, responsive design, interactive UX, modern architecture, and more. Thus, web application development demands a diverse skill-set.

Developers can leverage the development tools to accomplish challenging tasks that they cannot complete otherwise.

These tools can help developers to build successful web applications on time without sacrificing functionality or security. In short, tools have sped up the entire web application development process for sure.

4. Improve Web Application Loading Speed:

Everyone wants a web application that loads fast. Web users today are seemingly impatient. They have shorter attention spans and will move on to other web applications if one application loads slow.

Why would an application load slow? What could be the cause of the delay? Firstly, most modern applications today have to handle more data than ever before. Thus, if you don’t optimize effectively, the rise in data can lead to slower applications. That, in turn, will bring down the users.

Secondly, page speed is mandatory for any business. Even Google has announced page loading speed as a ranking factor. Slow loading pages mean that your application won’t even show up in the SERP.

It calls for web application performance optimization. Thus, developers should include optimization as an essential element of the development process. That will help them optimize their web applications for speed and reduced data consumption.

5. Architecture- The Base of Any Web Application:

Web developers need to give weightage to the user experience. Everyone prefers an interactive and responsive web application. Of course, the interface is important, but the most crucial part of an application is the architecture.

Though the application architecture is invisible to the users, architecture will have an immense impact on your application. Architecture determines security, maintenance, flexibility, scalability, and more. Focusing on good architecture may take more time. However, it is crucial for building long-lasting applications.

Things to consider while approaching architecture:

A. Go for proven technology stacks:

Many tools and frameworks are out there on the internet. However, not all have appropriate documents. So, developers need to focus on reliable tools that are well documented and have an active community of contributors.

B. Focus on Scalability:

While planning your application architecture, always focus on the long term. Look beyond initial requirements. What if you need to add more features later? What will happen if you need to switch to a different database or server? What if you have to handle more users in the future? Think about all these factors before jumping into the development process.

6. Keep Separate Concerns Within Your Applications:

Back in those days, developers followed a monolithic approach. That is, building every feature directly into their application. The biggest hindrance with that approach is maintenance. A small change in one area could break other areas, causing the applications to become unmanageable.

Today’s modern architecture needs separation of concerns. For instance, the n-Tier architecture approach separates the application into layers. The biggest advantage of this approach is it enables you to maintain and improve each application layer separately.

With n-Tier architecture, you can update one layer without altering other layers. For instance, you can make your application mobile-friendly. Else, you can update your application’s look and feel. n-Tier architecture lets you replace the presentation layer without disturbing the other layers. Thus, your application is flexible enough to adopt the new changes in the future.

7. Embrace Change and Go Forward:

Technology keeps evolving constantly. Thus, application development also advances along with the changing technology. With emerging new libraries, tools, techniques, and frameworks, one can develop better application features and more efficient development.

However, on the flip side, many new security vulnerabilities keep rising. So, it’s the developers who need to keep their applications up to date with the current security standards.

In simple words, modern web applications are not complete. It’s not about deploying the application and forgetting about it. Developers have to update their applications constantly, adapting to the ongoing trends and security standards.

Final Thoughts:

In this technology-driven world, market trends keep evolving, user expectations keep changing, and business expansion will be never-ending. Hence a web app should have a robust architecture in place.

A good web app architecture can handle increasing loads and adapt to the changing business requirements while rendering a fast app performance. Also, the architecture allows you to take on various development tasks simultaneously by dividing the structure into several small modules, reducing the development time drastically. Plus, it is easy to integrate new functionalities without changing the overall structure.

Moreover, when it comes to security, web architecture divides the application into several blocks to minimize security threats, including the risk posed by malicious codes.

This blog would have walked you through the basics and importance of web application architecture. However, if you feel overwhelmed with the entire web application development process, you can always outsource it to a reputed web application development company.

Cypherox Technologies is a leading web application development company that you can rely on for your next web application project. Reach us right now. Our team of experts will be glad to assist you and help you own a successful web application with a robust architecture.