Why SEO Matters for eCommerce Websites?

Almost all of us depend on search engines to know about any new brands, products, or services. It is handy, and you get the results immediately. The search engine lists out several websites depending on your search queries. But, you will probably click on the link that got listed on the top.

That says the importance of SEO for eCommerce websites precisely. Today, it is not enough to get listed on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). But, your eCommerce website needs to top the list to get checked by the people.

SEO plays a vital role in generating traffic for your eCommerce website and organizing content that drives conversions. So, optimizing your website for search engines is mandatory and not optional anymore. Thus, your eCommerce website will get listed when someone enters a relevant search query regarding your business product.

Research says that websites that ranked on top enjoyed a CTR of around 30 percent; whereas, those ranked second only averaged 12% CTR. The CTR percentage drops as the list go down.

Hence, if you don’t invest in SEO for your eCommerce website, might probably you are losing your CTR to your competitors and eventually going down in sales. Of course, you don’t want that. That is why you need to opt-in SEO for your online eCommerce store.

SEO and eCommerce Sales

eCommerce sales have skyrocketed globally in the last two years. It has grown by a whopping 11% and is still expected to reach more heights in the future. The below graph illustrates the increase in the number of online shoppers and online sales in the last two years.

Why SEO Matters for eCommerce Websites?
(Source: unik-seo)

Focusing on eCommerce SEO will help your online business in many ways like:

  • With the right keywords targeting the appropriate audience, SEO can help you improve your search engine ranking.
  • Your eCommerce site will get ranked on top of SERP when people search for relevant products your business deals with.
  • It allows you to outperform your competitors and drive quality leads to your eCommerce site.
  • Improves conversions, thereby generating high ROI for your business.

SEO for eCommerce can offer sustainable results in the long term driving organic traffic to your online store. Thus, you will get improved conversions and increased revenue for your business.

How can SEO Benefit Your eCommerce Website?

Here are some benefits that your eCommerce business can enjoy by implementing SEO:

1) Better Search Engine Ranking:

Optimizing product pages for your eCommerce store will help you rank on top of the SERP. You can accomplish that by incorporating appropriate keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, and optimizing images for your products. When you have optimized product pages, search engines will quickly acknowledge your site and rank it highly on the results page.

2) Improved Brand Awareness

When your product pages get listed on top of the search engine result pages, it calls for more clicks and invites more visitors to your eCommerce website. The higher your rankings, the more traffic you drive to your online store.

Thus, more and more people will get to know about your brand. Moreover, people naturally tend to trust the product page listed on the top as they perceive it as a trustworthy business.

3) Enhanced Content

SEO enables you to optimize your eCommerce website content for search engines by including relevant keywords. You can optimize content in your blog posts, buyer guides, and other articles. SEO-friendly content will again allow you to get listed on top of the results page. Plus, optimizing content is a straightforward process that you can do cost-effectively.

4) Improved User Experience:

Online shoppers often know what they want and what kind of product they are looking for online. Hence, if you want the users to choose your products over others, you have to offer them the best user experience. That is where the eCommerce SEO comes to the rescue.

With SEO, you can optimize your product pages by offering the needed information to users in handy. The more relevant and insightful your product pages are, the better the search engine acknowledges them and crawls them on top.

According to the latest Google Core Update, Pagespeed and user-friendly interface also play a vital role in your ranking. That means navigating the pages quickly in a few clicks. No one will prefer a website that has a complicated UI and slow-loading pages.

Moreover, you can also optimize your website for multilingual SEO if you want to target an international audience. Thus, you can address the needs of global customers on multiple websites in various languages. Ultimately, SEO allows you to provide an optimal user experience, driving more conversions.

5) Effective Remarketing:

Often, audiences stop at your eCommerce website either through organic search or through other channels. Some may buy on their first visit itself, while some leave the website without buying. There comes the need for remarketing and attracting them again to try your products. SEO can help you do that precisely.

Your SEO team can target visitors who left without buying for remarketing campaigns with the help of SEO analytics tools. You can display ads to shoppers even after they leave your site and are surfing elsewhere on the internet. It is advisable to show relevant and customized ads for users instead of showing generalized and sales-oriented ads. Thus, the users will be reminded of your brand value and possibly return to your website to buy your products.

6) Reduced Paid Search Costs

SEO-optimized content will also help you in handy with Google Ad campaigns, allowing you to collaborate on the phrases that drive value for organic and paid search. Google determines your page quality by measuring the relevance of ads to landing pages. Optimized landing pages mean better quality scores, lower click costs, and higher performance in organic search.

7) Improved Sales

The primary goal of SEO is to enable your business to remain at top of the search results. Thus, more people can find your eCommerce store and eventually give you business. Also, people prefer the page listed on top over the website with a comparatively lower rank. Thus, the more you optimize your product pages, the better you can sell your products.

So, ultimately you are boosting sales and increasing your revenue generation. That is how search engine optimization works for your eCommerce website.

8) Provide Value

SEO is a long-term investment that can provide value to your customers and your business. It is not like advertising that ends once the campaign ends. It is a never-ending process of optimizing product pages, improvising the content as per the current algorithm needs, improving the design and technology that makes up your site. Thus, SEO is a long-term project that provides value over time, elevating organic search performance for months or years.

In a Nutshell

As a brand, you may constantly strive to deliver quality products and do genuine business. But, how do more people know about your brand? Though you have several other digital marketing platforms to market your products, you need SEO to drive organic traffic from search engines.

Moreover, traffic from search engines drives more conversions, as people search for products with a buying intention. Thus, SEO is inevitable for your eCommerce business's success.

As we have already seen, SEO is not a one-day job. You have to optimize your eCommerce product pages not only to attract customers but to inspire them to come back for more purchases.

Implementing an effective and robust SEO strategy is no simple task, and we understand that not all business owners can do it. You may not have enough time, resources, or advanced skills to climb the result pages and attract the traffic that your business deserves.


At Cypherox Technologies, our SEO experts can help you build a constructive SEO strategy for your eCommerce business. Thus, you can rank atop the SERP, driving more clicks and closing more sales for years to come.